The Tate McAllister, with a line up to the stern, guides a ship into Port Everglades, Florida.

McAllister Towing of Port Everglades

Port Everglades, FL

In 1928, President Calvin Coolidge threw the switch detonating the dynamite charge that opened the inlet linking Lake Mabel to the Atlantic Ocean. Such was the birth of Bay Mabel Harbor, which was renamed Port Everglades in 1930. Today, with a massive escalation in container service, cargo ships, and cruise liners calling on Port Everglades, it is one of the fastest-growing ports in the United States. McAllister Towing of Port Everglades became one of the leading tugboat companies in the port when they took over Tugz International LLC’s (part of the Great Lakes Towing group) operation in 2004.

Led by V.P. of Southeast Operations Captain Charles Runnion, who has worked in the industry since 1980, McAllister is ready to lead the way with its unsurpassed service to the Port Everglades maritime community.

2051 SE 35th St, Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Emergency Dispatch
(904) 751-6228
Vice President of Southeast Operations
Capt. Charles Runnion
Port Compliance Coordinator
Ben Galemmo

Port Everglades Fleet

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